
    邓俊, 叶凤美. 都江堰“乘势利导、因时制宜”工程科技内涵解析与现实启示[J]. 中国防汛抗旱, 2024, 34(8): 71-75. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2023395
    引用本文: 邓俊, 叶凤美. 都江堰“乘势利导、因时制宜”工程科技内涵解析与现实启示[J]. 中国防汛抗旱, 2024, 34(8): 71-75. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2023395
    DENG Jun, YE Fengmei. Scientific and technological connotation analysis and practical enlightenment of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project "taking advantage of the situation and following the natural law and adapting measures to the times" project[J]. China Flood & Drought Management, 2024, 34(8): 71-75. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2023395
    Citation: DENG Jun, YE Fengmei. Scientific and technological connotation analysis and practical enlightenment of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project "taking advantage of the situation and following the natural law and adapting measures to the times" project[J]. China Flood & Drought Management, 2024, 34(8): 71-75. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2023395


    Scientific and technological connotation analysis and practical enlightenment of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project "taking advantage of the situation and following the natural law and adapting measures to the times" project

    • 摘要: 2 000多年来,都江堰以其科学的设计理念和治水实践,创造了人与自然和谐共生的生态文明典范,研究了“乘势利导、因时制宜”的核心理念。“乘势”,体现了建造都江堰对自然的尊重和敬畏;“利导”,体现在尊重自然规律的基础上对自然进行利用和改造。“乘势利导”是都江堰建造设计的核心理念,都江堰建设者师法自然,利用山势、地势与水势,实现了人、地、水三者高度协调统一。“因时制宜”是都江堰长效运行的制胜法宝,其工程一直处于与岷江河道演变相协调的动态平衡中,根据岷江流量变化趋势、内外江摆动情况、上游浅滩沙丘分布,相应地调整工程布局,增减辅助工程;同时,也要根据时局不同,调整管理体制和运行机制。在现代水利工程建设管理中,需古为今用,历史传承和时代创新相统一。以“乘势利导”为理念把顺应自然、改造自然和利用自然巧妙地融为一体,以顶层设计集合供水、防洪、灌溉、航运等多种服务功能;以“久久为功”保持工程的生命活力;以“因时制宜、全面创新”顺应时代发展与人民需求。


      Abstract: For more than 2 000 years,Dujiangyan Irrigation Project has created a model of ecological civilization in which people and nature coexist harmoniously with its scientific design concept and water control practice.This paper has studied the core concept of "taking advantage of the situation (YinShi) and following the natural law(LiDao),adapting measures to the time(YinShiZhiYi)"."Taking advantage of the situation(YinShi)" reflects the respect and awe for nature in the construction of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project; 'following the natural law(LiDao)' is reflected in the utilization and transformation of nature based on respecting the laws of nature."Taking advantage of the situation and following the natural law" is the core concept of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project construction design.Dujiangyan Irrigation Project builders learn from nature and use the mountain,terrain and water potential to achieve a high degree of coordination and unity of people,land and water."Adapting measures to the time"is the magic weapon of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project's long-term operation.All its projects have been in a dynamic balance coordinated with the evolution of Minjiang River.All changes are based on Minjiang River water regime and river topography,and follow the scientific idea of water diversion with no damming and automatic water and sediment regulation.Due to different weather and water potential,Dujiangyan Irrigation Project will carry out artificial activities such as river closure,bamboo cage for water retaining and beach scouring according to seasonal changes,floods and droughts.From the macro point of view,Dujiangyan Irrigation Project should adjust the project layout and increase or decrease the auxiliary projects accordingly according to the flow change trend of Minjiang River,the swing of internal and external rivers,and the distribution of upstream shoals and dunes; At the same time,it is also necessary to adjust the management system and operating mechanism according to different current situations.In modern water engineering construction and management,it is necessary to make the past serve the present,and unify historical inheritance with innovation of the times.With the concept of taking advantage of the situation and following the natural law,we cleverly integrate the adaptation,transformation,and utilization of nature,and integrate various service functions such as water supply,flood control,irrigation,and shipping with top-level design; To maintain the vitality of engineering through long-term efforts; Adapt to the times and meet the needs of the people through comprehensive innovation.


