Taking the flood caused by No. 1617 Typhoon "Nianyu" in the Feiyun River Basin as an example, in response to the flood operation needs of Shanxi Reservoir, combined with forecasting results, flood command, water level control, discharge control, and peak compensation scheduling model for Shanxi Reservoir was constructed and applied in the simulation calculation of Shanxi Reservoir flood control scheduling. Among them, the instruction scheduling model can quickly and easily calculate the changes in reservoir water level and storage capacity under specified discharge flow conditions; The water level control scheduling model can control the maximum flood control water level of the reservoir to not exceed the characteristic water level such as flood control high water level or a specified water level; The discharge control scheduling model can control the maximum outflow flow of the reservoir to not exceed the specified flow rate; The staggered compensation scheduling model can fully utilize the flood control capacity of the reservoir for storage and discharge, control the flow rate of important downstream flood control sections as much as possible to not exceed the safe flow rate, and achieve the purpose of staggered regulation of main and tributary floods. The results indicate that all four models can achieve higher peak shaving rates compared to regular scheduling, with the staggered compensation scheduling method having the best effect on controlling the safety flow of important downstream sections.