
    肖军. 湖南株洲市抗旱减灾薄弱环节及改进建议[J]. 中国防汛抗旱,2025,35(1):77−81. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2024023
    引用本文: 肖军. 湖南株洲市抗旱减灾薄弱环节及改进建议[J]. 中国防汛抗旱,2025,35(1):77−81. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2024023
    XIAO Jun.Weakness and improvement suggestions for drought resistance and disaster reduction in Zhuzhou City of Hunan Province[J].China Flood & Drought Management,2025,35(1):77−81. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2024023
    Citation: XIAO Jun.Weakness and improvement suggestions for drought resistance and disaster reduction in Zhuzhou City of Hunan Province[J].China Flood & Drought Management,2025,35(1):77−81. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2024023


    Weakness and improvement suggestions for drought resistance and disaster reduction in Zhuzhou City of Hunan Province

    • 摘要: 传统灾后抗旱的被动模式已不能适应当今干旱综合应对的需求,风险管理的主动抗旱模式成为现代抗旱工作发展的必然趋势。抗旱薄弱环节评估是制定抗旱减灾措施的基础性工作,是农民增产增收、经济提质增效的有力保障。通过对株洲市应急管理、水利、水文和气象等抗旱主体责任部门的走访调研,发现在抗旱工程体系和非工程体系中,仍存在较多薄弱环节,从而针对性提出改进建议,为各职能部门在干旱频繁化和极端化的背景下,将干旱导致的各项灾害风险降至最低提供参考。


      Abstract: The active drought response model of risk management has emerged as an inexorable trend in the evolution of contemporary drought response work, replacing the traditional post-disaster passive drought resistance model as it no longer adequately addresses the needs of the comprehensive response to drought of today. Assessment of the drought risk points serves as the foundation for establishing drought mitigation strategies and is a strong assurance that farmers will raise their output and revenue, as well as the economic efficiency and quality. We have been able to delve further into the existing series of high-risk areas in Zhuzhou's drought protection in engineering and non-engineering projects and propose improvements and perfection measures through visiting the key departments responsible for drought relief, such as emergency management, water resources, hydrology, and meteorology in Zhuzhou City, hoping that all functional departments would respond to the city's frequent and severe droughts in a scientific and proactive manner in advance so as to reduce the disasters caused by droughts to a minimum.


