
    梁浩阳,吴滨滨,宾零陵,等. 独流减河拦腰闸对河道行洪能力影响的数值模拟研究[J]. 中国防汛抗旱,2025,35(2):36−41. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025032
    引用本文: 梁浩阳,吴滨滨,宾零陵,等. 独流减河拦腰闸对河道行洪能力影响的数值模拟研究[J]. 中国防汛抗旱,2025,35(2):36−41. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025032
    LIANG Haoyang,WU Binbin,BIN Lingling,et al.Numerical simulation study on the impact of interception sluices in the Duliujian River on the riverine flood discharge capacity[J].China Flood & Drought Management,2025,35(2):36−41. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025032
    Citation: LIANG Haoyang,WU Binbin,BIN Lingling,et al.Numerical simulation study on the impact of interception sluices in the Duliujian River on the riverine flood discharge capacity[J].China Flood & Drought Management,2025,35(2):36−41. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025032


    Numerical simulation study on the impact of interception sluices in the Duliujian River on the riverine flood discharge capacity

    • 摘要: 分析评估闸坝等水工构筑物设置与运行调度对河道行洪能力的影响,有助于提高其泄洪效率。以独流减河为研究对象,使用IFMS软件建模,采用2023年和2021年汛期两场实测洪水数据进行模型率定和验证。通过在模型中调整拦腰闸的设置与启闭,对比“23·7”洪水情景下的拦腰闸闸上水位,分析拦腰闸对独流减河行洪能力的影响。结果表明,拦腰闸对独流减河行洪能力的影响取决于拦腰闸之间的滩地是否行洪,滩地行洪情景下北腰闸开启与南腰闸拆除对河道行洪能力影响较小,滩地未行洪情景下北腰闸开启与南腰闸拆除均能有效提高独流减河行洪效率。


      Abstract: Analyzing and evaluating the impact of the operation and dispatching of hydraulic structures such as sluices and dams on the flood discharge capacity of rivers is helpful to improve their flood discharge efficiency. Taking the Duliujian River as the research object in this paper, the IFMS software was used for modeling, and the measured data during 2023 and 2021 floods were adopted for model calibration and validation. By adjusting the installation and opening and closing of two interception sluices in the model and comparing the water levels upstream of the sluices under the "23·7" flood scenario, the impact of two sluices on the flood carrying capacity of the Duliujian River was analyzed. The results show that the impact of two sluices on the flood carrying capacity of the Duliujian River depends on whether the floodplain between the two interception sluices is flooded or not. Under the scenario of floodplain flooding, the opening of the north interception sluice and the removal of the south interception sluice have a relatively small impact on the flood carrying capacity of the river. Under the scenario of no floodplain flooding, the opening of the north interception sluice and the removal of the south interception sluice can effectively improve the flood carrying efficiency of the Duliujian River.


