
    董祯,张芳,周志华,等. 城市排水系统改造对内涝影响研究——以天津市某雨水泵站片区为例[J]. 中国防汛抗旱,2025,35(2):7−12,23. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025039
    引用本文: 董祯,张芳,周志华,等. 城市排水系统改造对内涝影响研究——以天津市某雨水泵站片区为例[J]. 中国防汛抗旱,2025,35(2):7−12,23. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025039
    DONG Zhen,ZHANG Fang,ZHOU Zhihua,et al.Study on the influence of drainage system reconstruction on urban waterlogging — Take a rainwater pumping station area of Tianjin City as an example[J].China Flood & Drought Management,2025,35(2):7−12,23. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025039
    Citation: DONG Zhen,ZHANG Fang,ZHOU Zhihua,et al.Study on the influence of drainage system reconstruction on urban waterlogging — Take a rainwater pumping station area of Tianjin City as an example[J].China Flood & Drought Management,2025,35(2):7−12,23. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025039


    Study on the influence of drainage system reconstruction on urban waterlogging — Take a rainwater pumping station area of Tianjin City as an example

    • 摘要: 以天津市中心城区某典型雨水泵站片区为例,调查梳理其排水设施并构建排水系统模型,计算分析现状排水能力和内涝风险情况,评估排水系统改造对片区内涝的影响。现场勘查与调研发现,片区管网存在管道淤积、水流由大管流向小管、地表硬化程度高、排水工程标准低等问题,针对这些问题对片区管网系统实施管道清淤、排水调头改造、低影响开发(LID)改造、泵站能力提升等措施。计算分析表明,这些措施对减轻片区内涝有一定作用,尤其是泵站能力提升措施效果较为显著,相关研究方法和成果可为雨水泵站片区改造提供支撑。


      Abstract: The research focused on a rainwater pumping station area in the downtown of Tianjin City to assess the current drainage facilities, develop a drainage system model, analyze the current drainage capacity and waterlogging risk, and evaluate the impact of drainage system renovation. Through on-site investigation and analysis of the current pipe network's capacity, it was found that there are issues such as pipe siltation, flow imbalance between large and small pipes, more surface hardening, and low drainage performance. Measures including pipeline dredging, drainage turnaround transformation, LID transformation, and capacity improvement of pumping stations have been implemented to address these problems. These measures have shown effectiveness in reducing waterlogging in the area, particularly improvements to pumping station drainage capacity. Based on these research findings and project construction planning considerations, the drainage management sectors is recommended to proceed with renovation work for the rainwater pumping station area.


