
    肖程之,张丽伟,臧文斌,等. 天津市北四河水系防洪调度一体化模型建设[J]. 中国防汛抗旱,2025,35(2):1−6. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025040
    引用本文: 肖程之,张丽伟,臧文斌,等. 天津市北四河水系防洪调度一体化模型建设[J]. 中国防汛抗旱,2025,35(2):1−6. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025040
    XIAO Chengzhi,ZHANG Liwei,ZANG Wenbin,et al.Development of an integrated flood model for the North Four Rivers system in Tianjin City[J].China Flood & Drought Management,2025,35(2):1−6. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025040
    Citation: XIAO Chengzhi,ZHANG Liwei,ZANG Wenbin,et al.Development of an integrated flood model for the North Four Rivers system in Tianjin City[J].China Flood & Drought Management,2025,35(2):1−6. DOI: 10.16867/j.issn.1673-9264.2025040


    Development of an integrated flood model for the North Four Rivers system in Tianjin City

    • 摘要: 在平原河网区域,产汇流效果减弱会导致水文模型失效,而大范围二维水动力模型虽然精度较高,但存在建模成本高、计算效率低下等问题。为了准确模拟平原地区洪涝水的产汇流过程,通过构建河道一维水动力模型、蓄滞洪区二维模型及防洪排涝工程调度模型,并建立各模型之间的物理耦合关系,形成天津市北四河水系防洪调度一体化模型,实现了高效且精确的模拟。该模型在蓄滞洪区内采用二维地表水动力模型建模,在蓄滞洪区以外区域通过“水文模型—排涝单元—泵站—河道”的方式进行计算,既可在中小洪水期间准确模拟河道水力要素,也能在超标准洪水来临时有效模拟蓄滞洪区内洪水演进情况。该模型为复杂河网地区提供了一个有效可行的水动力模型建模思路。


      Abstract: Flood control and waterlogging management in plain river network regions face significant challenges due to the weakened runoff generation and confluence processes, which limit the effectiveness of traditional hydrological models. Large-scale two-dimensional hydrodynamic models offer high accuracy but are hindered by high computational costs and low efficiency. To address these issues, this study develops an integrated flood regulation model for the north four rivers system in Tianjin city by coupling hydrological models, one-dimensional riverine hydrodynamic models, flooding and drainage models, and two-dimensional surface hydrodynamic models. The model employs a two-dimensional approach within flood detention areas to simulate water dynamics, while outside these areas, a structured framework of "hydrological model–drainage unit–pumping station–riverine" is used for calculations. This approach ensures accurate simulation of riverine hydraulic factors under small to medium flood scenarios and provides reliable predictions for flood routing in detention areas during extreme flood events. The proposed model offers an efficient and practical methodology for hydrodynamic modeling in complex river network systems.


